Why Choose Apex Wellness Providers?

The team-centered approach at Apex Wellness Providers fosters a collaborative environment where our providers can easily communicate with each other. This means that your personal trainer can easily consult with or refer to another provider as needed. Sometimes your trainer and therapist may even co-manage your care to ensure that progress is being made as safely and effectively as possible.

The clinical experience of the personal trainers at Apex Wellness Providers can not be compared to that of trainers who have been employed in gym-only environments. Our trainers understand tissue healing, how to safely work with injuries and rehabilitation, and how to accommodate injury, chronic health conditions and auto-immune disorders such as arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and hypermobility.

The degrees and credentials held by the personal trainers at Apex Wellness Providers are earned from accredited institutions and recognized around the world as the highest in the field.

What is Personal Training?

Personal training provides an individualized experience that will help you set and achieve your fitness goals.

Whether you are new to exercise or you are an accomplished athlete, we will collaborate with you to set reasonable and realistic milestones, provide appropriate feedback and be a source of accountability as we guide you toward realizing those achievements. 

Beginning with an initial assessment, we’ll establish a baseline from which to work from. We’ll explore your initial motivations, your ultimate goals, your exercise and medical history, your health habits (both good and bad) and of course, your current level of physical fitness. From this, we can begin to create a safe and effective exercise program tailored specifically for you. For some, we’ll start with teaching the foundations of safety and the basics of how to use exercise equipment. Others may need general health and nutrition education, motivation and encouragement. Still others may need help with advanced training principles to break through plateaus, avoid injury, or improve sports performance. Some may require all of these.

No matter your age, experience or fitness level, we welcome the opportunity to help you in the pursuit of your best self.

Common Training Goals

Research suggests that working with a personal trainer results in higher strength, higher workout intensities, and higher perceived exertion. In one study (McClaran, 2003), it was found that weekly sessions with a  personal trainer significantly increased clients’ ability to move upward through the stages of change in regard to physical activity. Overall, 60% of study participants moved up one stage, while 13% moved up two stages, demonstrating evidence of a health-behavior change over a 10-week period.

From beginner to advanced, youth to senior, or from general health to advanced performance, there are many training goals that are common across all ages and fitness levels:

  • body recomposition
  • build strength
  • muscular / cardiovascular endurance
  • speed / agility
  • weight loss / gain
  • balance training
  • sports performance
  • injury prevention
  • range of motion / flexibility
  • injury rehabilitation
  • surgical rehabilitation
  • surgical (avoidance)
  • exercise program adherence
  • neutralize a recently diagnosed or perceived health threat

Even those whose lifestyle already includes regular exercise at some level can benefit from the help of a personal trainer. Some of the common areas we can help you with include:

  • helping you break through plateaus if you are no longer continuing to see results on your own
  • helping you set realistic and achievable goals, then helping with program design and execution as well as measurement and tracking to ensure progress
  • helping you stay motivated and working hard
  • introducing exercise alternatives and variations to help keep you from getting bored
  • helping you dissect why you might be working hard, but not making progress or worse, seeing diminishing returns
  • helping you learn more advanced exercise techniques and program design
  • helping you maintain fitness with an injury, pain or a chronic health condition (e.g., arthritis, diabetes, heart disease)
  • helping you design a more time effective workout that fits in your busy lifestyle
  • helping you design a home or travel exercise program where equipment may be limited or even completely unavailable
  • help keep you informed of the latest research

Whether you are looking for motivation, accountability, or higher intensity, Apex Wellness Providers can help you make working with a trainer a part of your regular exercise routine. You might decide that working with a trainer weekly is perfect for you, or maybe you just need someone to check in with on a monthly basis to ensure that you are still on track and help make any necessary adjustments. Perhaps you need someone that can get you started with the basics or maybe you need help with something more advanced. Either way, Apex Wellness Providers can help you reach your goals.